Friday, May 15, 2009

Idol Thoughts

Apologies for the tardiness, I'd never make it as a journalist with all those deadlines (PS. anybody see the final jeopardy this week about where the word "deadlines" comes from?). Enough stalling, let's get down to business.

Thoughts on the week:
  • Watching Simon duke it out with Randy and Kara was better than watching a classic boxing match. "Down goes Frazier!"
  • Simon was absolutely right. Tell Kris what song to sing and then rail on him for singing it? Bad form.
  • While we're on the subject, Randy and Kara are worthless. Randy used to be semi-cool but I think Kara brings him down. Neither of them are as nuts as Paula, but at least she's nuts enough to be entertaining.
  • The crazy weird double-date vibe at the judges table this season makes American Idol look more like Elima-Date then American Idol.
Deep breath. Let it go. They're only judges making millions of dollars for being idiots. Let it go.
  • I'm glad Kris is in. That version of Heartless was pretty sweet.
  • Is anyone else at least a tiny bit worried about Kris' wife? Something tells me all this fame just might go to that kid's head. C'mon Kris, do the right thing.
  • I'm okay with Danny being gone, he was getting kinda old. But it would have been so sweet to watch Lambert get kicked off one show away from the finals. I just don't like how inevitable it feels . . . especially to him.
  • I'm glad the season is almost over. I feel like I did at the end of every semester in college. Great classes. Learned a lot. Homework sucked. Can't wait for summer break.


Steph said...

could NOT agree more with EVERY SINGLE thing in this post! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!! so true - and i HATE Kara Diguardia ---- can NOT stand her at all - and she needs to go!

Rachel said...

I wondered why I wasn't liking Randy as much as usual. You just answered it for me...Kara! I agree. Paula is a ditz but she adds some entertainment and balance to the other side of the spectrum. I hate when Kara speaks. Yeah, the couple judges thing just does not work. I, too, would have LOVED to see Adam kicked off. I'm hoping, though, that this gives Kris a better chance of winning because he will get Danny's votes, I think.

Rach said...

I didn't even like Adam's One. Did anyone else feel the same way?

I'm just keep reminding myself how wrong the judges were last season (phew!). They really are not in touch with average America. I, at least, plan to devote my time and my phone to Kris next Tuesday night. Who's with me?

Rach said...

I've just made a typo. Excuse me.