Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Message from the 6 Train

Heard over the loud speaker on a recent commute:

"If you are sitting next to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person, please offer your seat. You'll be standing up for what's right. Courtesy is contagious--and it starts with you."

Who says New Yorkers are rough and tough? At least not if you're old, disabled, or with child ... hmmm, I'm none of those (ok fine, yes, I'm turning 30 this year--hold the old jokes please), rats. Oh yeah, the 6 train has those, too.

Gotta love this town.

1 comment:

Hillary Mondragon said...

I love when a good overhead announcement can make a whole town change their ways! BTW-I think anyone that is pregnant should have a special glass booth where none of the putrid subway smells are allwowed to enter...that would be the courteous thing to do...