Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Idol Thoughts

When it comes to American Idol, people usually love it or hate it. If you're in the "hate it" crew (shame on you), save yourself and stop reading now. If you're in the "love it" crew (you beautiful souls) but are unfamiliar with "Idol Thoughts" you might wanna poke around here for a minute to get up to speed, then buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Let's get down to business. Thoughts for the week:
  1. It was not a good week, this could get ugly.
  2. Can someone tell me what in the world Quentin Tarantino has to do with pop music? If you wanna know how to make it look like you cut some dude's head off with just the right blood splatter, while making it all look like the world's craziest acid trip, yeah, I'd ask QT for his advice, but when it comes to connecting with a lyric, not sure he's the man for the job.
  3. I just can't get behind Allison. She's technically good, but socially disastrous.
  4. If the judges are mean to Matty G. one more time I'm gonna crawl through the T.V. screen and take Paula's pills away. Let's see how mean they are when Paula's in the fetal position on the table.
  5. Speaking of the judges, I love that they break them up into teams and they still almost go over. "And the Oscar goes to--but first, before we do that, let me tell you about the time I was nominated for an Oscar (cue the music) . . . what? we're out of time?"
  6. Adam Adam Adam. I think he's actually getting weirder. Just like the show itself turns out.


Sharon said...

I laughed out loud while reading this post. Ditto to the judges being mean to Matt. What the heck? I rarely listen to Paula (thank heavens for DVR). Thanks for the laughs!

Kim said...

I must say that I'm not a big Matt fan. Sorry. I certainly don't think he is bad; he just doesn't do it for me. And what is up with that mole on his forehead? It's a bit distracting.

I like Adam. He's interesting. I love those big notes he hits. Gives me the chills. Very entertaining. I'm not sure I would buy his album, but I find him to be a lot of fun.

I'm with you about Allison. She has a great voice but I think that she is a few years too early in being in this competition.

We love A.I. in our house. Thank goodness for DVR so that we can fast forward through commercials and Paula's weird remarks.


Rach said...

I'm pretty sure Adam is in the wrong place. I'm thinking about the look of total boredom I saw in David Cook's face on about the third time he had to sing Time of My Life. Can you just imagine Adam singing one of those cheesy AI singles? We should probably do him a favor and put our support being someone a little more mainstream. Someone like Kris, for instance?

Speaking of Kris, I thought he was awesome. I'll admit I watched his performance numerous times.

Rachel said...

Oh, Heath!!! Amen to everything. Allison has a good voice, but every time she speaks I want to scream. Can't get into Adam, no matter how hard I try. Matt is so talented, sweet and undervalued, I hate it. Now THAT is my kind of music...and it helps that I'm a huge fan of piano bars (the cleaner, less-drunken types). Matt, Danny and Kris are my favorites but LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kris. Thanks to DVR, I enjoyed his number more than once last night! And I really don't care how much his mouth bothers some people. :) So glad you're an AI's nice to talk it up with other fans.

Rachel said...

P.S. Just realized this is Jed, NOT Heather. Well, amen to you anyway! :)

Kim said...

I'm glad that the judges used their save on Matt. I was hoping that Lil would be voted out. She's good but not like Fantasia was. I do like Kris, too. And I agree with Rach that maybe Adam is in the wrong competition. He doesn't need A.I. anymore. Kinda like Chris Daughtry. It was better for him that he didn't win. I didn't know that Kris' mouth was bugging people. Probably like Matt's mole bugs me. Silly little things. What would people say about me if I were on tv? I'm glad I'm not!

Heather said...

I am getting SO frustrated that the judges don't like Matt. What's not to like (besides the mole...totally cosmetic) about a soulful, jazzy, bluesy guy? I thought Lil's rendition of The Rose (which, makes me cringe) was horrible and the fact that she said she R&Bed it up? C'mon Lil.