Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Summer Sun's Calling My Name...Sort of

We decided to brave the trek out to Jones Beach again, only this time we brought reinforcements. Well, it was more like they brought us. We went out to Jones Beach last weekend with a group of our friends. The weather was a little so-so and there was a bit of a jelly fish infestation problem, so the wave-playing wasn't exactly up to par. The sand castle building on the other hand? Way above par, or below par, depending on your perspective on "par." The point is we had some bio-architecture wizards with us, and the results speak for themselves. What started as a Mayan temple of sorts needed a bridge to get across the mote, that bridge turned into a bigger, more elaborate bridge. Well, what's a bridge on one corner without a sand alligator coming out the other corner (or was it a crocodile? so difficult to tell sometimes)? Needless to say, the final result was a bit abstract, but abstract is totally hot right now...and it's all the same to the little ones who destroyed with smiles on their faces as soon as construction was completed. 

Here's the result (and a sweet picture of the cash man):

PS. please refrain from the lectures on how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile. I lived in Australia for two years with Mr. Irwin (RIP); trust me, I got it.


Nerd - not geek said...

I was there, man. Two years. Never saw a croc or an alligator. Just two read heads and two balding blondes that didn't take life too seriously. Those were the days, my friend .

Kristie Larsen said...

oh! that is a cute cash man. love the pictures. lame that Im commenting this late. must get you on my bloglines so i can stalk you every day.