Sunday, March 28, 2010

A weekend of Eastman's

This weekend we were able to have Jed's bro and sis-in-law, Matt and Kim, visit from Idaho.

We saw John Mayer in was pretty amazing. He can wail. Or so Jed says. I was as equally entertained by the tween girls dancing as if we were in a nightclub with techno music.

We woke up early to start the 12-mile run (or in my case, bike ride.) Why a 12-mile run on a VACATION you ask? So did I. The answer: All three are training for a marathon (and half marathon for Kim...just as impressive) so, I played the pack mule and rode alongside. It was a great way to show them the city...and they just so happened to pick a weekend with AMAZING weather.

We did a little exploring, picture taking, and sushi-ing. It was a quick trip, but we had a great time with them!
And, apparently we are selfish because we didn't take ANY photos of the other two.

PS. I look a little J.Lo in this picture with the big earrings and the shades. Unintentional. Well, maybe just slightly unintentional.


Rachel Hagen said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time! I looked for you today at church, you must have been busy me last week :)

Kim said...

Oh, no! Look where I placed Heather! The bridge is coming out of her head! I should have noticed that. Sorry! But the two of you look great anyway!

Kim said...

A blast of a trip. Keep living in really cool places and we'll keep visiting!

mb said...

cute! at first glance I thought your earring was part of your hair and had to do a couple double takes!