1. The Posse and Doxinators for dinner and fun
2. Cape Verde for allowing us to celebrate 4 hours PRIOR to US midnight
I am glad that Jed and I agree that New Years Eve is not our favorite holiday. I would dare say it's our least favorite. There, I said it. My husband agrees it's the ONE time of the year where my FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) doesn't flare up.
This morning we woke up at 6:15AM to make a trip to the city to take pictures of the Flatiron Building (Jed's into this whole "golden rule" of landscape...or in this case cityscape...photography these days). Great shots. FREEZING weather (0 degrees with the windchill...yeah, we're committed to our photographic progression). Not sure why this couldn't wait until Spring. But, snuggling up and taking a New Year nap was almost worth it. Almost.
Happy New Year to everyone and enjoy this shot...
Is the couch new? Great photos.
ok, love the photo. im thinking i will need a tutorial from jed soon. but why so early??? I mean come on. is there anything that important? Not even the the souls I birthed can get me out of bed that early.
that is a really really cool shot -- what kind of camera did you use? do you love your camera - cuz we are in the market for a new one and I want a really good one - so recommendations welcome ---- also, that is funny you don't like New years because the whole time we were watching all the festivities in NY i kept saying to Chip "i think i just saw Jed and Heather..." and he would say no you didn't, and then i would say yes i did watch it might show them again....and on and on it went til we watched the whole thing, but never really did see you guys!!! Way too cold for me to go out, i must say i am with you on that holiday being maybe my least favorito! Happy new years nonetheless!
Happy New Year Heath & jed! It was such a fun surprise to see you and your sister at Target! Oh how I love Target! :) I'm so glad we got to see you, even if you were sick.
Great pic Jedders! You're a talented man, I am thinking a career path change is imminent once your photos get out. They'll be saying things like, "No, I passed over that Ansel Adams for the Jed Eastman."
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