Then spits you out!
Today is one of those days for me.
I had a verbal altercation with the tie man (yes, the man who sells ties on the side of the road) when he accused me of stealing two ties.
And so the story goes...
I am on my cell phone with nothing else but my wallet (this will be a key piece of my story) and I choose two ties ($5 each...ten bucks) I give him a twenty and he didn't have change so he went across the street to see if one of his "co-workers" (his words, not mine) had change for a twenty. (By the way, the co-workers he is referring to would be the sunglasses, jewelry, and fake purse guys across the street...I am still standing in plain sight) He comes back, gives me $10 and I stand there waiting for the ties. He said "I gave them to you" I clearly did not have anything in my hand but my cell phone. I said "No sir, you didn't" he proceeded to FREAK OUT and accused me of taking the ties and passing them along to a waiting accomplice.
Now, I may be a new New Yorker, but I am not that new (yes, this was most likely his scam of the day...or so he thought)
After a screaming match, he said I could "go and call the cops" I said in my VERY new york tone "absolutely I will, but I refuse to leave here without $10 and two ties" (thinking to myself, would the cops REALLY side with a man selling ties on the side of the road???) he said "sorry, your not getting them" I said, "well then, you call the cops" I took two ties off the table and walked away.
Did I get the ties I wanted? No...the justice? Yes.
American Perfect Suburban Neighborhood
1 year ago
Heather, of course I remember you! I have been wondering about you for some time now, last time I saw you you were dating Christian, I believe.. I can't believe you are living in New York! How fun. :) Keep in touch, I love meeting up with old friends.
WAY TO GO HEATHER!! That was awesome! I also love the (possibly unintended) "office" reference with "absolutely I will"
Well, now I know. If I ever get to NYC, I won't buy ties there. Maybe you got chewed up, but it doesn't sound like you got spit out. Way to hang in there.
This story is fantastic! Way to stand your ground! Ha! Stupid tie man.
That's the most awesome story ever...I rolled that image over and over in my head.
Way to stand your ground, Heather! I would have crumbled for sure. LOL!
ATTN Rachel Mouritsen: can you invite me to your blog? I really want to see how you guys are doing! My email is Thanks!
thatta girl! i LOVE that story! i was trying to picture it all in my head. you are officially "street" as Jay-Z says.
You are seriously funny! I would be so mad! That sound like a typical day in the city. haha yes we are in OH for another summer of sales. I like it, everyone has been way nice so far. good to see your doing so well. miss you
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