I know for some of you who may (or may not) be reading this, it seems like nothing compared to the MCAT, GRE or even your BFE final project; but for me, the CPA exam has been one brutal nightmare.
Fortunately for me, today I'm one step closer to being done. For those of you lucky enough to not be familiar, the CPA exam actually consists of four separate exams, and today I took number 3 of 4. I found out last week that I passed the first two exams and should find out how I did on number 3 soon, but I feel pretty confident (hopefully I'm not eating those words later).
Now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, the weight that's been on my shoulders is starting to lift and I feel like a normal person again. Who knows, maybe now I can stop dreaming about useless accounting facts and financial equations chasing me in my pajamas...at least until I start studying for number 4.
Anyway, I have to say a big thanks to Heathe. I couldn't have made it this far without her support, encouragement, and countless hours of quizzing me with flash cards. I think Heather should have a "CPA" after her name too when this is all said and done. Needless to say that I'm nothing without her--this test has been proof pudding of that.