Friday, February 29, 2008

One Step Closer

I know for some of you who may (or may not) be reading this, it seems like nothing compared to the MCAT, GRE or even your BFE final project; but for me, the CPA exam has been one brutal nightmare.
Fortunately for me, today I'm one step closer to being done. For those of you lucky enough to not be familiar, the CPA exam actually consists of four separate exams, and today I took number 3 of 4. I found out last week that I passed the first two exams and should find out how I did on number 3 soon, but I feel pretty confident (hopefully I'm not eating those words later).
Now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, the weight that's been on my shoulders is starting to lift and I feel like a normal person again. Who knows, maybe now I can stop dreaming about useless accounting facts and financial equations chasing me in my least until I start studying for number 4.
Anyway, I have to say a big thanks to Heathe. I couldn't have made it this far without her support, encouragement, and countless hours of quizzing me with flash cards. I think Heather should have a "CPA" after her name too when this is all said and done. Needless to say that I'm nothing without her--this test has been proof pudding of that.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This May I will be participating in the Revlon Walk/Run 5K for women battling cancer. I am running in honor of my grandma Colleen who lost her battle to lung cancer. This is an ugly disease that affects too many people! 

I have set myself a small goal of $500. I really don't like asking for money, but I do like people to support a good cause. 

If you wish to donate, please let me know who you are honoring. 

Do it for those women in your life who are fighting. 

Click here to donate. 

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. Jed and I celebrated with pizza, ice cream, and our apartment. We had a really nice time! It was good to be with Jed and remember all the reasons I love him.
Jed knows I have been itchin to get out of the city lately...I've really just wanted to get up and go and explore the surrounding areas, but, without a car it's a little difficult. So, he gave me...ZIPCAR! I am excited to see if I still know how to drive! This just means many more blog posts on our East Coast adventures .
Also, another fun Valentine's present...our wedding album is complete. So, after 7 months, we now get to see what our wedding looked like through someone else's eyes. You can check out the proofs by going to, Enter Site, Proofing (top right tab), Albums, H.Thompson wedding, and the password is heather. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I love February. I think that love is in the air, I have lots of friends/family members who celebrate their birthdays, February is closer to March which is closer to Spring which is closer to lunches in Central Park. I just love this month.

I have compiled a list of things I didn't know I loved until now...

#1. Jed. (Ok, I knew I loved him when I married him, but I am realizing it more each day) He is absolutely the best husband in the world and the more we are together the more I know that we are suppose to be together. Enough cheese for you? Well, then, that brings me to point 2...

#2. I really do love cheese. Well, let me put it this way, I love trying new cheese, I can't sit down and eat a block, but I do love trying new cheese. We went to this place last week and had some REALLY good samples...all names I could not pronounce.

#3. Exercise. I think this shocks even myself to write it, but it's true. Once I actually GET to the gym, I really enjoy my time. I love feeling sore the next day, I love knowing that I am getting healthier, and I love the way it makes me feel about myself. So, WHY is it so hard to get there? It's the million dollar question...any answers???

#4. I love candles. I think living in a small apartment with close neighbors who are all cooking different foods makes me realize that I LOVE when our house smells good. Is that a crazy new love or what??? My favorite candle...check them out here

#5. I love cooking. I have always been ok at cooking, but now I really feel like I am hitting my stride. Jed is my number one fan (ok, he's my only fan right now) and he appreciates everything I make. I am especially fond of her recipes. Jed is ALWAYS good to help with clean up too...there is no I in Eastman.

I hope you all have wonderful things to say about truly is a LOVELY month.

PS. What do I want for Valentines day??? Well, if you are asking, I would LOVE this "bouquet" instead of roses! ;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

House (Ok, Apartment) Guests

We had a great week with Utah friends! Heidi and Pam and myself met at Utah State where we just so happened to be roommates. We knew we had a great bond the minute we met. We LOVED 15E and will never forget the memories there!

Pam is going to be serving a mission in March, so we wanted one last hoorah to say good-bye...luckily, they chose my neck of the woods.

We had a great time shopping, eating, and sightseeing. We saw Mary Poppins on Broadway. The special effects are AMAZING (I mean, I am 26 years old and I am still baffled at Mary pulling the lamp out of her bag!!!)

Jed's brother, Heber is visiting as well. All three of them are friends, so it made for a very fun weekend! And, to top it all off, our local football team won a little game called the SUPERBOWL!
Thanks for coming friends! We had a lot of fun.